Papua New Guinea attains global forest accreditation
Posted on June, 27 2019
Congratulations! PNG Forest Certification Incorporation (PNG FC Inc.) for this remarkable achievement of the completion and publication of Version 2.0 of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) National Forest Stewardship Standard for Papua New Guinea (PNG).
Congratulations! PNG Forest Certification Incorporation (PNG FC Inc.) for this remarkable achievement of the completion and publication of Version 2.0 of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) National Forest Stewardship Standard for Papua New Guinea (PNG).The revision of the FSC National Standard for PNG came about through a Technical Committee led by PNG FC Inc. consisting of 12 national experts.
The WWF Pacific, PNG Country Office is a party to the development of FSC PNG NS V2.0 through the membership of its country manager Kafuri Yaro to this committee.
The FSC PNG NS V2.0 supports the WWF Global Practice Strategies & Goals;
i.Forest Goal: A world enriched by extensive, resilient forest landscapes benefiting biodiversity, people and climate.
ii.Wildlife Goal: The world’s most threatened and ecologically, economically and culturally important species are secure in the wild.
iii.Climate & Energy Goal: By 2030, an equitable and just transition is underway that limits warming to 1.5°C, protects people and biodiversity and builds a climate resilient future.
WWF PNG is also supporting the policy advocacy and partnership towards development of other relevant policies towards achieving above goals and aligned with national development priorities, for example, the PNG Forest Authority (PNGFA) led initiative on the development of a Timber Legality Standard for PNG to address illegal logging.
WWF PNG supports PNG FC Inc. in its efforts to get maximum alignment and linkage of the PNG Timber Legality Standard with the FSC certification system, i.e. FSC Controlled Wood Standard and the FSC National Standard for PNG.
WWF PNG commends the efforts of PNG FC Inc and the National Standard Technical Committee in getting the FSC PNG NS V2.0 approved by FSC International.
This is a very significant milestone for Papua New Guinea in addressing sustainable forest management issues.
It is expected that the revised standard will lead to increased interest of the use of FSC certification in the country to promote responsible forest management, including for ecosystem services and will help guide the forest industry and the government in their efforts on this.
NB: The approved NFSS is available at this web address of FSC International The NFSS of Papua New Guinea can be found by selecting "NS" from the drop-down list under the "Type" and then by selecting the country" PNG”.