Empowering Communities: Strengthening Social Inclusion in Sustainable Fisheries Management in the Solomon Islands

Posted on December, 21 2024

WWF-Solomon Islands, with the support of WWF-Australia’s Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) Program and in partnership with the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP), successfully conducted a two-day training workshop in Gizo, Western Province.
Gizo, Solomon Islands – WWF-Solomon Islands, with the support of WWF-Australia’s Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) Program and in partnership with the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP), successfully conducted a two-day training workshop in Gizo, Western Province.

The workshop brought together 28 Community Facilitators from 14 communities to enhance their capacity as advocates for social inclusion in sustainable resource management.

The training aimed to equip Community Facilitators with the knowledge and skills to mainstream GEDSI principles in community-led conservation and fisheries management initiatives. By ensuring that all members of the community—including women, youth, and people with disabilities—have equal opportunities to participate in decision-making, the initiative fosters inclusive and sustainable development.

“Community facilitators play a vital role in ensuring that vulnerable and marginalised groups have a voice in conservation and resource management,” said Jennifer Gabriel, GEDSI Advisor for WWF-Pacific. “By promoting equitable participation, we can strengthen leadership opportunities for women, youth, and persons with disabilities, ultimately fostering a more resilient and inclusive society.”

WWF-Pacific has been working with coastal communities in the Solomon Islands for over a decade, supporting community-led approaches to sustainable fisheries management. With coastal fisheries increasingly under pressure from climate change, unsustainable fishing practices, and habitat loss, this initiative—delivered in partnership with WWF-Australia and corporate partner John West—aims to ensure that conservation efforts are inclusive, equitable, and community-driven.

During the training, participants engaged in discussions on gender equality in Pacific societies, the importance of reducing the “double burden” of women in household and community roles, strengthening disability inclusion, and empowering youth in resource management. These dialogues and capacity-building exercises reinforced the significance of social inclusion in achieving long-term sustainability and community resilience.

By equipping local leaders with the necessary tools and knowledge, the training has set the foundation for stronger, more inclusive governance structures in fisheries management. WWF-Solomon Islands remains committed to supporting community-led conservation initiatives that empower all members of society and promote sustainable livelihoods for future generations.

Group photo of participants part of the workshop.
© WWF-Pacific
WWF-Pacific GEDSI Disability Advisor, Rebecca Krai and Pusiju Community Facilitator Jonathan part of the workshop.
© WWF-Pacific