© WWF-Pacific / Tom Vierus
Conversations about conservation.

Our podcasts dive deep into the issues that matter here in the Pacific and across the world. Follow along and amplify our voices. 

© WWF-Pacific



This podcast series was produced with the financial support of the European Union and the Government of Sweden. Its contents are the sole responsibility of WWF-Pacific and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the Government of Sweden.

Episode 1: The Battle Against IUU Fishing

“The Battle Against IUU Fishing" - Dive into the murky depths of illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing, uncovering its far-reaching consequences on marine ecosystems. We'll shed light on the efforts to combat IUU fishing and the importance of sustainable fishing practices in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean.

Episode 1: The Battle Against IUU Fishing
Episode 2: Crew at Risk — Labor and Safety Standards

Explore the hardships faced by fishing crew members and fisheries observers, delving into issues of labor rights, working conditions, and safety at sea. Through an expert interview, we'll highlight the urgent need for improved standards and protections. 

Episode 2: Crew at Risk: Labor and Safety Standards
Episode 3: Beyond the Surface — GEDSI in Offshore Tuna Fisheries

Uncover the Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) dynamics within the offshore tuna fisheries sector. We'll explore the barriers faced by women, marginalized groups, and indigenous communities, while highlighting initiatives that promote inclusivity and empowerment.

Episode 3: Beyond the Surface — GEDSI in Offshore Tuna Fisheries
Episode 4: Unmasking the Shadows — Transshipment at Sea

Exposing the dark side of transshipment at sea, an opaque practice that enables IUU fishing and undermines traceability efforts, on this podcast, we'll investigate the implications of this activity and explore strategies to combat it for a more transparent and accountable seafood supply chain. 

Episode 4: Unmasking the Shadows — Transshipment at Sea
Episode 5: The Silent Victims — Unveiling the Tragedy of Bycatch

We will shine a spotlight on the silent victims of fishing operations—the tragic phenomenon known as bycatch. Bycatch, often referred to as the unintended capture of non-target species, is a consequence that plagues the fishing industry. It silently takes a toll on the diverse array of marine life, disrupting ecosystems and threatening the delicate balance of our oceans.

Episode 5: The Silent Victims — Unveiling the Tragedy of Bycatch
Episode 6: From Catch to Plate — The Power of Seafood Traceability

Follow the journey of seafood traceability and its crucial role in addressing IUU fishing. We'll dive into the technological advancements, policies, and collaborations that enable consumers to make informed choices, support sustainable fisheries, and protect our oceans. 

Episode 6: From Catch to Plate — The Power of Seafood Traceability