© WWF-Pacific / Tom Vierus
The only way is together.

The opportunity in the Pacific is historical. We have a window, where a lot of action and progress is needed — to safeguard the critical biodiversity and to ensure that peoples and nations are resilient to the changes that are happening to our climate. The only way we will get there is if we journey together. We invite you to join ours, we ask to join yours. Together possible. 

© WWF-Pacific / Tom Vierus
Partnerships are central to our approach.

WWF-Pacific works with communities, including Indigenous Peoples, to promote community-led conservation and sustainability initiatives, and integrate traditional knowledge and practices that support biodiversity conservation and sustainable resource management. This involves engaging community-based youth groups such as the Nacula Village Youth Group, the Mali District Youth Group and the Kavewa Youth Group.

We work closely with governments including the Council of Regional Organizations of the Pacific (CROP) to ensure initiatives align with national development plans and policies and collaborate with CSOs to enable conservation initiatives and collectively advocate on key policies. 

We also engage with academia to generate evidence-based solutions to complex conservation challenges and work with the private sector to promote sustainable business practices and investments.

© Minnie Rafe


We work across sectors and borders, bringing in a wide-range of voices and expertise. Want to partner with us? Reach out.


© WWF-Pacific / Tom Vierus

Join our Volunteer Program

So far, WWF-Fiji's Volunter Program consists of over 120 registered members, dating back to over two decades. Most volunteers are tertiary students, while others are graduates looking for employment. Activities include coastal rehabilitation like mangrove plantation, coral monitoring, cleaning-up campaigns and Earth Hour-related activities. Volunteers were critical in WWF-Fiji's turtle trade and use survey across the country and every year, they contribute to vital turtle nesting data collection surveys.


© Pacific Community

Support our projects and funding needs

With more funding, we have the capacity and blueprints to scale and accelerate our impact across the region. Want to support our work? Reach out!


© Brent Stirton / Getty Images / WWF

Help improve our effectiveness

We are a learning organization. Help inform our future work. Have ideas for how we can learn and improve? Share them with us.